Package lumis.portal.deployment

Provides the API for LumisXP module deployment.

A LumisXP module archive may have a deployment descriptor file META-INF/lumis-module.xml. This file content is defined by the def/lumis/portal/deployment/lumis-module.xsd file.

A ModuleType.JAR_LIBRARY module type is used to be able to perform hot deploy of classes to be used in the portal customization. In most portal configuration and definition files, a class name reference, when is resolved, is searched along the JAR library modules installed in the portal. Such classes have visibility to other classes in the same JAR file and to the classes in the portal application.

Note that classes in the packages java, javax and lumis cannot be overridden by deploying a similar class in a JAR library.

Classes in the portal application have no direct visibility of the classes deployed in a JAR library module. The deployed classes may be accessed through reflection using the class loader provided by IDeploymentManager.getClassLoader(). Resources in the JAR library module may also be obtained using the provided class loader. Note that references to the deployed classes or their instances should not be stored, as it may keep the module in memory when it is undeployed, possibly causing a memory leak.

The folder lumisdata/deploy is the auto-deploy folder. All module files copied to this folder are automatically deployed and automatically undeployed when removed. The result of the operation may be verified in the portal log files.

$Revision: 22420 $ $Date: 2019-02-19 16:21:02 -0300 (Tue, 19 Feb 2019) $