complexType "servicesource"
complex, 11 attributes, 15 elements
definitions of 8 attributes and 15 elements
XML Representation Summary
xsd:boolean : "false"
("lum_objectAdmin" | "lum_objectEndUser")
xsd:boolean : "true"
xsd:boolean : "false"
("table" | "view" | "contentTable")
Content Elements (15):
addInterfaceId (type xsd:string),
administrationInterfaceId (type xsd:string),
bigData (within source),
connectionId (type xsd:string),
dataProviderClassName (type xsd:string),
dataProviderScriptPath (type xsd:string),
dependencyType (type xsd:string),
detailsInterfaceId (type xsd:string),
editInterfaceId (type xsd:string),
table (type xsd:string),
view (type xsd:string)
All Direct / Indirect Based Elements (1):
Known Usage Locations
XML Source
<xsd:complexType name="servicesource">
<xsd:choice maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="dataProviderClassName" type="xsd:string">
Class name of the dataprovider for the source. If not specified a default data provider used based on the source type definitions registered. The framework by default has the following sourcetypes registered.


<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="dataProviderScriptPath" type="xsd:string">
Path of a script defining the java class of the dataprovider for the source. If not specified a default data provider used based on the source type definitions registered. The framework by default has the following sourcetypes registered.


<xsd:choice minOccurs="0">
<xsd:element name="table" type="xsd:string">
Name of the table of the source. used by the TableDataProvider and ContentTableDataProvider classes
<xsd:element name="view" type="xsd:string">
Name of the view of the source. used by the TableDataProvider and ContentTableDataProvider classes
<xsd:element name="dependencyType" type="xsd:string">
This is used exclusively by the ServiceInstanceDependencyDataProvider.
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="connectionId" type="xsd:string">
Source may require data from another data base other than the primary data base used by the portal. This connectionId identifies the connection of another database. This identifier must be the filename (e.g. conn2.xml) of the hibernate configuration file in the directory \lumisdata\config\connection
<xsd:element name="fields" type="sourceFields">
<xsd:documentation>collection of fields</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:unique name="uniquePositionField">
<xsd:selector xpath="field"/>
<xsd:field xpath="@isPosition"/>
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="metaData" type="metaData">
If the source type is contentTable, within this node the required metaData that must be associated with the content must be specified. When the service is registered these metadata fields are converted into fields of the given source. Independent of the metadata fields specified here the following fields are always added to contentTable sources.
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="bigData">
<xsd:documentation>Specifies custom big data configurations.</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:attribute name="enabled" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional">
Used to enable or disable persisting the source to the big data.
By default, it is enabled only if the source has a field with isSearchable="true" or
the source has the bigData element present.
<xsd:attribute name="persisterClassName" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
The full class name of a lumis.doui.bigdata.ISourceBigDataPersister implementation
to be used for this source. If the source is of type contentTable then the class must implement the
lumis.content.bigdata.IContentTableSourceBigDataPersister interface.
If not specified, the default depends on the source implementation class.
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="activityStream">
Specifies source activity stream default behavior.
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="objectType">
Specifies properties of the activity stream object type to be used
for activities automatically generated, by default implementations, for this source.
This object type will automatically be created/deleted during service
The identifier of the object type is [serviceId]#[sourceId].
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="displayName">
A localizable string for the display name of this object type.
The default value is the name of the source, or if it is not set, "STR_ACTIVITY_OBJECT_TYPE_NAME".
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:minLength value="1"/>
<xsd:maxLength value="50"/>
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="targetScopes">
Specifies the scopes for which activities will be automatically generated.
If inserted without any scopes, no activity will be automatically generated.
The default value is scope lum_objectAdmin enabled and lum_objectEndUser enabled if this source has a details interface.
<xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="scope">
<xsd:attribute name="id" use="required">
Specifies scope for which activities will be automatically generated.
See lumis.portal.activitystream.Activity javadoc for LumisXP standard scopes documentation.
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="lum_objectAdmin"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="lum_objectEndUser"/>
<xsd:attribute name="enabled" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional">
Used to enable or disable default activities generation for this source.
Actual activities generation depends on the source type and implementation.
By default, it is true if the source does not have a metaDataSourceId attribute set.
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="relations" type="relations">
if the source is related to another source, the relation details must be specified here.
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="administrationInterfaceId" type="xsd:string">
Each source may specify its administration interface. If not specified this interface is calculated by the first interface that has the isAdministration attribute set to true in the servicedefinition.xml file. This administration interface is used for example during workflow to send a link to the administration interface in an email.
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="addInterfaceId" type="xsd:string">
Each source may specify its add interface. If not specified this interface is calculated by the first interface that is an instance of the
class lumis.doui.service.DouiAdministrationAddPropertyPageServiceInterface or the class lumis.content.service.ContentAdministrationAddPropertyPageServiceInterface and has the current source defined as its first source.
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="editInterfaceId" type="xsd:string">
Each source may specify its edit interface. If not specified this interface is calculated by the first interface that is an instance of the
class lumis.doui.service.DouiAdministrationEditPropertyPageServiceInterface or the class lumis.content.service.ContentAdministrationEditPropertyPageServiceInterface and has the current source defined as its first source.
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="detailsInterfaceId" type="xsd:string">
Each source may specify its details interface. If not specified this interface is calculated by the first interface that has the isDetails attribute set and has the current source defined as its first source.
<xsd:attribute name="id" type="xsd:string" use="required">
Identifier of the source. Must be unique among all sources within the service.
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="sourceType" use="optional">
Specifies one of the registered source types. The framework automatically registers source types "table" and "contentTable".
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Display name of the source. The value is a localizable (using service's string resources) string.
<xsd:attribute name="className" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Instead of specifying a source type one may specify a class name that extends Source class.
This attribute cannot be defined if the "scriptPath" attribute is defined.
<xsd:attribute name="scriptPath" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Path of a script defining a java class that extends Source class. When specified the java class defined by this script takes precedence over the class associated with the source type.
This attribute cannot be defined if the "className" attribute is defined.
<xsd:attribute name="metaDataSourceId" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
If you have two content sources that are related, each of them must be joined with the metadata table independently. To do this the metadataId must be different for each of the sources. If not specified a default value is assumed for the source.
<xsd:attribute default="false" name="publishAllAccessibleContents" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional">
Indicates if contents that are not published to the current service instance, but are accessible by the current user, should also be published. Affects the query generated for the source in publication interfaces.
<xsd:attribute default="false" name="distinct" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional">
If set to true, the DISTINCT keyword is used in the generated SQL for retrieving the data for this source.
<xsd:attribute default="true" name="isDetails" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional">
If set to false the source even in a details interface is not treated as a details source.
Attribute Detail (defined in this component only)
Instead of specifying a source type one may specify a class name that extends Source class. This attribute cannot be defined if the "scriptPath" attribute is defined.
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:attribute name="className" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Instead of specifying a source type one may specify a class name that extends Source class.
This attribute cannot be defined if the "scriptPath" attribute is defined.

If set to true, the DISTINCT keyword is used in the generated SQL for retrieving the data for this source.
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:attribute default="false" name="distinct" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional">
If set to true, the DISTINCT keyword is used in the generated SQL for retrieving the data for this source.

If set to false the source even in a details interface is not treated as a details source.
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:attribute default="true" name="isDetails" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional">
If set to false the source even in a details interface is not treated as a details source.

If you have two content sources that are related, each of them must be joined with the metadata table independently. To do this the metadataId must be different for each of the sources. If not specified a default value is assumed for the source.
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:attribute name="metaDataSourceId" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
If you have two content sources that are related, each of them must be joined with the metadata table independently. To do this the metadataId must be different for each of the sources. If not specified a default value is assumed for the source.

Display name of the source. The value is a localizable (using service's string resources) string.
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Display name of the source. The value is a localizable (using service's string resources) string.

Indicates if contents that are not published to the current service instance, but are accessible by the current user, should also be published. Affects the query generated for the source in publication interfaces.
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:attribute default="false" name="publishAllAccessibleContents" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional">
Indicates if contents that are not published to the current service instance, but are accessible by the current user, should also be published. Affects the query generated for the source in publication interfaces.

Path of a script defining a java class that extends Source class. When specified the java class defined by this script takes precedence over the class associated with the source type. This attribute cannot be defined if the "className" attribute is defined.
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:attribute name="scriptPath" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
Path of a script defining a java class that extends Source class. When specified the java class defined by this script takes precedence over the class associated with the source type.
This attribute cannot be defined if the "className" attribute is defined.

Specifies one of the registered source types. The framework automatically registers source types "table" and "contentTable".
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:attribute name="type" type="sourceType" use="optional">
Specifies one of the registered source types. The framework automatically registers source types "table" and "contentTable".
Content Element Detail
Specifies source activity stream default behavior.
embedded, complex content
locally, within this complexType

Each source may specify its add interface. If not specified this interface is calculated by the first interface that is an instance of the class lumis.doui.service.DouiAdministrationAddPropertyPageServiceInterface or the class lumis.content.service.ContentAdministrationAddPropertyPageServiceInterface and has the current source defined as its first source.
xsd:string, simple content
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="addInterfaceId" type="xsd:string">
Each source may specify its add interface. If not specified this interface is calculated by the first interface that is an instance of the
class lumis.doui.service.DouiAdministrationAddPropertyPageServiceInterface or the class lumis.content.service.ContentAdministrationAddPropertyPageServiceInterface and has the current source defined as its first source.

Each source may specify its administration interface. If not specified this interface is calculated by the first interface that has the isAdministration attribute set to true in the servicedefinition.xml file. This administration interface is used for example during workflow to send a link to the administration interface in an email.
xsd:string, simple content
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="administrationInterfaceId" type="xsd:string">
Each source may specify its administration interface. If not specified this interface is calculated by the first interface that has the isAdministration attribute set to true in the servicedefinition.xml file. This administration interface is used for example during workflow to send a link to the administration interface in an email.

Specifies custom big data configurations.
embedded, empty content
locally, within this complexType

Source may require data from another data base other than the primary data base used by the portal. This connectionId identifies the connection of another database. This identifier must be the filename (e.g. conn2.xml) of the hibernate configuration file in the directory \lumisdata\config\connection
xsd:string, simple content
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="connectionId" type="xsd:string">
Source may require data from another data base other than the primary data base used by the portal. This connectionId identifies the connection of another database. This identifier must be the filename (e.g. conn2.xml) of the hibernate configuration file in the directory \lumisdata\config\connection

Class name of the dataprovider for the source. If not specified a default data provider used based on the source type definitions registered. The framework by default has the following sourcetypes registered. <pre> <source> <type>table</type> <className>lumis.doui.table.TableSource</className> <dataProviderClassName>lumis.doui.table.TableDataProvider</dataProviderClassName> </source> <source> <type>contentTable</type> <className>lumis.content.table.ContentTableSource</className> <dataProviderClassName>lumis.content.table.ContentTableDataProvider</dataProviderClassName> </source> <source> <type>search</type> <className></className> <dataProviderClassName></dataProviderClassName> </source> </pre>
xsd:string, simple content
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="dataProviderClassName" type="xsd:string">
Class name of the dataprovider for the source. If not specified a default data provider used based on the source type definitions registered. The framework by default has the following sourcetypes registered.



Path of a script defining the java class of the dataprovider for the source. If not specified a default data provider used based on the source type definitions registered. The framework by default has the following sourcetypes registered. <pre> <source> <type>table</type> <className>lumis.doui.table.TableSource</className> <dataProviderClassName>lumis.doui.table.TableDataProvider</dataProviderClassName> </source> <source> <type>contentTable</type> <className>lumis.content.table.ContentTableSource</className> <dataProviderClassName>lumis.content.table.ContentTableDataProvider</dataProviderClassName> </source> <source> <type>search</type> <className></className> <dataProviderClassName></dataProviderClassName> </source> </pre>
xsd:string, simple content
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="dataProviderScriptPath" type="xsd:string">
Path of a script defining the java class of the dataprovider for the source. If not specified a default data provider used based on the source type definitions registered. The framework by default has the following sourcetypes registered.



This is used exclusively by the ServiceInstanceDependencyDataProvider.
xsd:string, simple content
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:element name="dependencyType" type="xsd:string">
This is used exclusively by the ServiceInstanceDependencyDataProvider.

Each source may specify its details interface. If not specified this interface is calculated by the first interface that has the isDetails attribute set and has the current source defined as its first source.
xsd:string, simple content
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="detailsInterfaceId" type="xsd:string">
Each source may specify its details interface. If not specified this interface is calculated by the first interface that has the isDetails attribute set and has the current source defined as its first source.

Each source may specify its edit interface. If not specified this interface is calculated by the first interface that is an instance of the class lumis.doui.service.DouiAdministrationEditPropertyPageServiceInterface or the class lumis.content.service.ContentAdministrationEditPropertyPageServiceInterface and has the current source defined as its first source.
xsd:string, simple content
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="editInterfaceId" type="xsd:string">
Each source may specify its edit interface. If not specified this interface is calculated by the first interface that is an instance of the
class lumis.doui.service.DouiAdministrationEditPropertyPageServiceInterface or the class lumis.content.service.ContentAdministrationEditPropertyPageServiceInterface and has the current source defined as its first source.

collection of fields
sourceFields, complex content
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:element name="fields" type="sourceFields">
<xsd:documentation>collection of fields</xsd:documentation>
<xsd:unique name="uniquePositionField">
<xsd:selector xpath="field"/>
<xsd:field xpath="@isPosition"/>

If the source type is contentTable, within this node the required metaData that must be associated with the content must be specified. When the service is registered these metadata fields are converted into fields of the given source. Independent of the metadata fields specified here the following fields are always added to contentTable sources. createdDate, lastModifiedDate,createdBy and lastModifiedBy.
metaData, complex content
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="metaData" type="metaData">
If the source type is contentTable, within this node the required metaData that must be associated with the content must be specified. When the service is registered these metadata fields are converted into fields of the given source. Independent of the metadata fields specified here the following fields are always added to contentTable sources.

if the source is related to another source, the relation details must be specified here.
relations, complex content
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="relations" type="relations">
if the source is related to another source, the relation details must be specified here.

Name of the table of the source. used by the TableDataProvider and ContentTableDataProvider classes
xsd:string, simple content
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:element name="table" type="xsd:string">
Name of the table of the source. used by the TableDataProvider and ContentTableDataProvider classes

Name of the view of the source. used by the TableDataProvider and ContentTableDataProvider classes
xsd:string, simple content
locally, within this complexType
XML Source
<xsd:element name="view" type="xsd:string">
Name of the view of the source. used by the TableDataProvider and ContentTableDataProvider classes

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