Class NestedObjectFilter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class NestedObjectFilter
    extends Object
    implements ISearchQueryFilter
    Filter used to apply other filter in a single nested object. The filter given to be applied in a nested object must use only fields that exist inside the data hierarchy of the nested object field. When a filter applied to a nested object with this filter, it will only consider fields within the same nested object instance when filtering the field values.

    For example, if a document has a field with dataType = DocumentTypeField.DataType.NESTED_OBJECT and list = true with the following values:

    • nested
      • Nested Value 1
        • field1="A"
        • field2="B"
      • Nested Value 2
        • field1="X"
        • field2="Z"

    If you do a search using as filter nested.field1="A" AND nested.field2="Z", this search would find this document, because it does not force the field values from being in the same nested object. But if you put a NestedObjectFilter around that search filter, the search would not return this document, since there is not a single instance of the nested object field that corresponds to the filter.

    It is possible to use a NestedObjectFilter in a filter used inside another NestedObjectFilter. This can be used when it is necessary to apply filters independently on a nested object values that is inside another nested object that also needs to be filtered by its values independently.

    $Revision: 24683 $ $Date: 2021-08-23 18:55:58 -0300 (Mon, 23 Aug 2021) $
    • Constructor Detail

      • NestedObjectFilter

        public NestedObjectFilter​(CompositeDocumentTypeField nestedObjectField,
                                  ISearchQueryFilter filter)
        Creates a new NestedObjectFilter.
        nestedObjectField - the nested object field whose values are to be considered independently when applying the given filter.
        filter - the filter that will be applied to each value, separately, of the specified nested object field.
    • Method Detail

      • getNestedObjectField

        public CompositeDocumentTypeField getNestedObjectField()
        Returns the nested object field whose values are to be considered independently when applying the filter available at getFilter().
        the nested object field.
      • getFilter

        public ISearchQueryFilter getFilter()
        Returns the filter that will be applied to each value, separately, of the nested object field available at getNestedObjectField().
        the filter.